More Habits of Successful Students

You might be noticing a little loss in momentum as you get into the middle of the semester. I’d like to share a few more strategies that I’ve seen in the most effective students. This post is a continuation of a previous article I wrote a few years ago that you can read here.

Golden tutoring

1) They Understand How to Study

Most students passively re-read their notes or textbook chapters when studying. The most effective students understand that this can trick your brain into thinking you know something, but then you are unable to recall it on test day.

High performing students know that a more effective method to study is by practicing active recall using spaced repetition. This means quizzing yourself (flash cards, practice tests, writing out answers, teaching it to someone else) over the course of many days without looking at the answers in your notes or answer keys. This forces your brain to reach back and pull that piece of information forward, creating stronger connections between brain cells, making it easier to recall that information in the future.

2) They Block Out Time to Complete their Assignments

The most effective students schedule out when they will have time to complete their assignments. They understand their schedules are busy and they want to make sure they are not cramming everything into the last day before a deadline.

To help your student with this, grab a calendar, whiteboard, or put some stickie notes on a wall and review all the upcoming quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and projects with your student. Record the due date on the calendar and then discuss when they will do the work to prepare for that due date. Record this time on the calendar as well.

3) They Have a Dedicated Study Space

Good students understand that your environment is a powerful trigger for behaviors, so choosing an office room, library, or quiet café that you only use for studying is a good way to set yourself up for success.

They understand the need to limit distractions (phones, TVs, brothers/sisters) and have set-up this space to support that. The space is clean, organized and has everything they need to complete their work.

Universal Achievement Tutoring and Coaching, LLC provides in-home tutoring services for all types of students and subjects. Give us a call at (719) 299-1667 to speak to an academic coach. You can also visit us online to learn how they can help your child get better grades, be healthier, and happier.